MetaFlows System Status |
Events Per Second (Past 24 Hours) |
Time (UTC) |
MetaFlows' top 20 most dangerous events (Past 24 Hours) (see Global Incident Report for more details) |
Latest Product Updates |
Passive TLS mirroringTLS inspection provides visibility of network threats hidden inside TLS encrypted sessions. This functionality is provided today by either Active... |
AWS Guard Duty SupportGuard Duty is a basic, easy-to-use intrusion detection system provided by Amazon Web services. The main benefit of Guard Duty... |
Web Application IDS UpdateWe updated the passive web application IDS rules from Spiderlabs. These rules should be much more useful. You can set... |
Cloud Agents StatisticsMany of you use the MetaFlows Security System to monitor cloud-based instances. Agents running on the instances send their network... |
MineMeld SupportMineMeld is an open source threat feed management system that gathers IP addresses, URLs, and domains which pose a significant... |
Qradar SupportThe MSS now fully supports the Qradar SIEM from IBM in CEF log format. Qradar is an excellent SIEM but... |
Search In Packet LogsYou can now search for arbitrary strings in the historical packet logs directly. The only requirements for this search is... |
Websockets in server modeYou can now use Websockets and disable flash for good. We added support for Websockets instead of Flash for direct... |
Proxy Detection SupportThis has been awaited for some time. The MetaFlows Security System now detects proxied connections. The original IP is swapped... |
Splunk AppWe have developed a Splunk network security app available at or It receives events generated by the MetaFlows... |